Monday 26 January 2009

Why are there inequalities among children?
A child is a human between the stage of birth and puberty. Social attitudes toward children different around the world and have also changed over time. Vast differences in the inequality of life children increasing depend on where they life.
There are inequality in: Education, Health, Status and income of family.
People, who has money they can allow what they want. They never thinking about where they can take money for health or education, but poor people are opposite, they always have problem with money. And these is reason of inequality among children.

Ruth Benedict (1934)

Ruth Benedict (1887-1948) was one of the most eminent anthropologists of the 20th century.
She wrote book 'Patterns of Culture', where she wrote about freer and tolerant life.
Patterns of Culture is an eloquent declaration of the role of culture in shaping human life.Ruth Benedict compares three societies -the Zuni of the southwestern United States, the Kwakiutl of western Canada, and the Dobuans of Melanesia and demonstrates the diversity of behaviour in them. Benedict's groundbreaking study shows that a unique configuration of traits defines each human culture and she examines the relationship between culture and the individual. Benedict's 'Patterns of Culture' is a foundational text in teaching us the value of diversity. Anthropology is the study of humanity. Benedict had hope that after reading her book, people can understand difference between children living in different counterparts.

Symmetrical relationship
An interesting perspective on complementary and symmetrical relationships can
be gained by looking at the ways in which these patterns combine to exert control in a relationship
Relationship Types. This classification is based on the research
of Rogers-Millar & Millar 1979.

  • In competitive symmetry each person try to control over the other.
    In submissive symmetry each person communicate submission.
    In neutralized symmetry each person communicate similarly but neither competitively, one-up, nor submissively, one down.
    In complementarily one person communicates the desire to control (one-up) and the other person communicates submission (one-down).
    In another type of complementarily—the reverse of the above—the submissive message (one-down) comes first and is followed by a controlling (one-up) message.
    They don’t respond to a competitive message with submission, no to a submissive message
    with a competitive one.

Maybe these classification help to communicate easy with you partner.

1 comment:

  1. You should link to your sources:

    and also be careful!

