Friday 30 January 2009

Nowadays women have become more financially independent of their husband, religious values have become less important, parents are very busy because at fisrt place is important career. Parents are spend less time with their children, sometimes parents do not know their children, they just give them money for necessary things. Sometimes business-parents think that children need in money but they forget that child need at care, at parents love and attention.
Some children grow up in family where is lone parents or domestic violence, and it is influence at the child's future.
Teenage girls have interesting to try alcohol,to smoke cigarette, drugs or maybe to commit murder, because it is forbidden friut. For example, their parents are drink alcohol and after these their behaviour are changed (they can be happy and funny or very wicked or agressive). Also friends and club can give influence at teenage. Friends can press morale and after teenage can do everything.
But if parents will have interest about their children and in the shop seller will sell alcohol after 18 ( and demand fall down in illegal sell) It help to stop crime commite.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Feminist perspectives on the family

Feminist is the purpose of the family is to reinforce the dominant position of men within a patriarchal society. Feminism has altered the perception of what a wife might expect from a marriage. Women are now more wiling to consider alternatives to raising children within the nuclear family, which is partly due to the impact of feminism.
Femenists have focused on the contribution of domestic labour (housework and childcare), to capitalist economies. Work is unpaid but has great value for capitalist economies. Capitalism exploits women and men benefit from this exploitation.
Women's domestic labour and sexual sevices help to maintain the present workforce's physical and emotional fitness. Women's domestic labour by hiring women as cleaners, nannies and cooks. This enables the wealthy of both sexe to pursue careers outside the home.
Some femenists suggest that the nuclear family may be useful to capitalism, it is provodies an emotionally supportive retreat for male workers. However, men may attempt to make up for their lack of power ,control in the workplace by exerting control within the family. But this can be negative consequences for some females ( domestic violence)

Monday 26 January 2009

Why are there inequalities among children?
A child is a human between the stage of birth and puberty. Social attitudes toward children different around the world and have also changed over time. Vast differences in the inequality of life children increasing depend on where they life.
There are inequality in: Education, Health, Status and income of family.
People, who has money they can allow what they want. They never thinking about where they can take money for health or education, but poor people are opposite, they always have problem with money. And these is reason of inequality among children.

Ruth Benedict (1934)

Ruth Benedict (1887-1948) was one of the most eminent anthropologists of the 20th century.
She wrote book 'Patterns of Culture', where she wrote about freer and tolerant life.
Patterns of Culture is an eloquent declaration of the role of culture in shaping human life.Ruth Benedict compares three societies -the Zuni of the southwestern United States, the Kwakiutl of western Canada, and the Dobuans of Melanesia and demonstrates the diversity of behaviour in them. Benedict's groundbreaking study shows that a unique configuration of traits defines each human culture and she examines the relationship between culture and the individual. Benedict's 'Patterns of Culture' is a foundational text in teaching us the value of diversity. Anthropology is the study of humanity. Benedict had hope that after reading her book, people can understand difference between children living in different counterparts.

Symmetrical relationship
An interesting perspective on complementary and symmetrical relationships can
be gained by looking at the ways in which these patterns combine to exert control in a relationship
Relationship Types. This classification is based on the research
of Rogers-Millar & Millar 1979.

  • In competitive symmetry each person try to control over the other.
    In submissive symmetry each person communicate submission.
    In neutralized symmetry each person communicate similarly but neither competitively, one-up, nor submissively, one down.
    In complementarily one person communicates the desire to control (one-up) and the other person communicates submission (one-down).
    In another type of complementarily—the reverse of the above—the submissive message (one-down) comes first and is followed by a controlling (one-up) message.
    They don’t respond to a competitive message with submission, no to a submissive message
    with a competitive one.

Maybe these classification help to communicate easy with you partner.

Toxic childhood

Britain’s children are among the most unhappy in Europe, it is measure of children well-being. Modern life leads to more depression among children and children’s behaviour and developmental conditions. Children’s brains are still developing . they can not understand how as full grown adults or the effects of ever more rapid technological and culture change. Children still need what developing human beings have always needed, including real food ( as opposed ‘junk’).
One of the most prominent signatories, that children’s increasingly screen-based lifestyle have profound risk. These include the potential loss of imagination and the tendency to confuse fact with knowledge. Actually these risk can change the physical working of brain.Now children are more distractible and impulsive then they were few years ago, because there are problems with discipline in school. Children need to spend less time in virtual world and more in the real world, playing real games, communicate with real people, including the important adults in their life.
If our children do not have the opportunity to grow up in such an enabling learning environment, the danger is that the behaviour and mental health problems that are now so endemic and rapidly increasing will become even more widespread, and our children will be ill-equipped to deal with the society of the future.
The commercialisation of housework as outlined by Hilary Silver (1987) and Juliet Schor (1993)

There are two theories about the extent to which homework—paid work in the home—helps integrate work and domestic roles for men and women. Contrasting male and female homeworkers with their counterparts working outside the home. It supports some aspects of both the resource and role overload theories, but predominantly the role overload perspective. Homeworkers, especially in the working class, experience less interference between job and family life, but perform more housework and child care. They have no more leisure time no greater marital satisfaction than those working outside the home, but receive more family assistance with their paid jobs, suggesting that they combine tasks from their first and second shifts. Working at home does not break down gender roles in domestic life. Despite time saved from commuting. Male homeworkers perform no more housework than comparable men working outside the home. Thus, the gender division of unpaid household labor is not simply a matter of resources or spatial logistics.

Sunday 25 January 2009

'Emotion work' and how this can be applied to the family.
Work and family.Work is a second family (every day you meat your collegues, you have best friend, with whom you can speak about different topics). But if you have problems at work it can influence at your family, because you will take it out on your family, and also you are not interesting what is happening in your family, because you mind think only about how to solve problem. At this moment can start psychological depression because you have not interesting at something else, or can be stress, It is negative of your side and it is pass to your households. And atmosphere will be strained in the family. I think that if you have problems at work, you shouldn't bring them to home.

Saturday 24 January 2009

Friday 23 January 2009

Elizabeth Bott's conjugal roles (1975)

Elizabeth Bott's Family and Social Network (1957) has stimulated much research in the area of kinship networks and network analysis in general. Her hypotheses have been tested and criticized, refined and modified. And still they remain provocative and controversial.
A conjugal role describes the positions and tasks typically taken up by husband and wife or cohabiting partners in the family. It has been argued that these roles are becoming increasingly joint in relation to the family. Elizabeth Bott (1957) distinguishes between two polar types of conjugal role relationship, segregated and joint. Segregated in a sense that men and women have clear differentiation in tasks, interests and activities. Botts study suggests that there is a basic division of labour in which the man is responsible for supporting the family financially and the women performs the housework and childcare. However according to Bott joint relationships are in existence, however this depends on the class and background that the couples have each come from, joint relationships is when there is a minimum of tasks differentiation and separation of interests.
Homework 7

Wise... What does it mean? Different people understand this word difference...
Wise is a ability when person make rigth decision. It is big, great mind when you use in life practise. When you can find way who to solve problem. For example you study on the other mistake and try not to go to this wrong way.
Wise is available for everyone, but wise also can keep potencial in positive way and also wise has negative side. And sometimes this negative are very bad at the end.
Wise is a science of happiness
As for me wise it is when you an realy solve correct problem and after this make conclusion and never repeat this. Wise can help go around difficult situation.
Family and other animals
Nowadays family who can't have children they have pets( dog or cat) . Yes, to have pets less take care then for the children and noisy sounds, also children more need in the attention of parents then pets, and such as now many family are very busy and really are at home. But pets are a part of family because family like them as a child and pets are present them love.

The Goth culture had been the case of the alleged perpetrators obsession with revenge and it is responsble for the homocides. They have their own group where they spend their time with different traditions and of this they have pleasure.
They are not bisexual or homosexual, but they lead hands when they meat friends who are not goth, the do this because they like to shock people. Also they use of white makeup, wear black clothes, this they do it because they like when people look at them.
This type of people are depressed, unusually bigoted, involved in illigal drugs and suicidal.

To buy or not to buy
Children living in families with either low or high levels of household income they are different. Children living in the high level of househod income they have all what they want and may be they never hear answer NO when they ask their parents to buy something. Also children not interesting that to earn morney not easy. But children from low level they always want sometning but parents can not buy, and children can dream about things long time, because they understand that income is less than sales. I think that children of all levels should interesting in the income of household and understand and sometimes to think about new purchase.

It is science of human behavior and individual life. It is intersting science because when you study this scienceyou can know more interesting facts but not easy. Sociology examinate the forms of social structure ( groups, organisation, communities), social category ( sex, age,race), also sociology is economic or political or religious. Areas studied in examining social dynamics include: culture, values, socialization, cooperation, conflict, power, exchange, inequality, deviance, social control, violence, order and social change.
Nature and Nurture

The nature against of nurture debates concern the relative importance of an individual's innate qualities. It can be individual differences in physical and behavioural traits. But this words are combined. Of course each person has individual nature, but sometimes while child are grow parents want to change character, but in the future nature can show true character, such as it is not real to change genes with each you are born.